Sunday, August 1, 2010


Being here in Czech Republic is wonderful and has been such an amazing opportunity. But of course, there are times of weakness. A good friend sent me a link to the book "Alone with God" as some encouragement for me when I'm feeling homesick or overwhelmed. It talks about the importance of prayer, and how it is so necessary for us to be in prayer constantly. Acts 6:4 says "We will devote ourselves to prayer, and to the ministry of the Word." As I started reading the book as part of my quiet time today, I was encouraged by this quote by Charles Spurgeon:
"Like the old knights, always in warfare, not always on their steeds dashing forward with their lances in rest to unhorse an adversary, but always wearing their weapons where they could readily reach them, and always ready to encounter wounds or death for the sake of the cause which they championed. Those grim warriors often slept in their armour; so even when we sleep, we are still to be in the spirit of prayer, so that if perchance we wake in the night we may still be with God. Our soul, having received the divine centripetal influence which makes it seek its heavenly centre, should be evermore naturally rising towards God himself. Our heart is to be like those beacons and watchtowers which were prepared along the coast of England when the invasion of the Armada was hourly expected, not always blazing, but with the wood always dry, and the match always there, the whole pile being ready to blaze up at the appointed moment. Our souls should be in such a condition that ejaculatory prayer should be very frequent with us. No need to pause in business and leave the counter, and fall down upon the knees; the spirit should send up its silent, short, swift petitions to the throne of grace.
A Christian should carry the weapon of all prayer like a drawn sword in his hand. We should never sheathe our supplications. Never may our hearts be like an unlimbered gun, with everything to be done to it before it can thunder on the foe, but it should be like a piece of cannon, loaded and primed, only requiring the fire that it may be discharged. The soul should be not always in the exercise of prayer, but always in the energy of prayer; not always actually praying, but always intentionally praying."
This is a perfect example of how my heart and mind should be ready. We need to make sure we are continually devoting ourselves to prayer, and allowing ourselves to be open to God shaping and molding us into the servants he wants us to be. Whether it be praises, trials, desires, or hopes, we need to give it to God.
So, I'd ask you to continue to be in prayer for us. Today was the first day of English Camp, and it went extremely well. They were cooperative, energetic, and hungry to learn. Tonight, as discussion groups happen, and questions may be asked, pray that we will be bold to share God's love in a way that is culturally acceptable. Like I've said many times, God has given us this amazing opportunity to share His love here in Czech Republic, and I'm so excited to see what he'll continue to do.
Thanks again for praying, and we love and miss you all!
In Him and for Him, Caley and crew


  1. I am not up on the time changes, but from what Matt said this morning you are probably near the end of your day. I hope that all went well with your discussion groups and that the Lord opened up doors for you to proclaim His truth. I pray that you will be able to communicate effectively with no language barrier and that their hearts will be soft to the gospel. Walk in faith and watch our amazing God do His thing!! I love you all and pray you will get rest and be energized for another day of service.

  2. Thanks for the encouragement and prayers, Beth. It means more than you know. God is good, and today went so well! He will provide the energy and will make His truth known:) Love you!

  3. From Karen's mom (Christie)...Caley, thank you for your incredible writing and keeping us posted on this wonderful opportunity. I just feel God flowing through you and I continue to pray that His plan and purpose to be His teacher and witness will be more than you ever could know! Praying also for strength, energy, peace and a light to all those you are coming in contact with. Stay strong and may God guide and bless you as you have been blessing us. With so much love to you all...especially to Karen...:)

  4. Wow. That was encouraging! Tell your friend that they should find the whole book so that you can read more of it when you get home okay!?! THANKS. Alot :)

  5. Hey Caley! The Cause prayed for you all this morning. All of you can not lose as God is for you. Romans 8 is a wonderful chapter of assurances and we pray remembering them as we trust the Lord. You are Firmly In His Grip!! Say hi to Manders!
    -matt & lori

  6. Christine, Thanks for that! That was an encouragement to me, and I will for sure tell Karen you say hello:)

    Rick Saffeels, I'll make sure to ask him for that book. He's a really cool guy, and I am encouraged by him daily. I sure am blessed to know him. Ps, Thank YOU.

    Matt and Lori, thanks for the prayers! We sure do appreciate it. I will say hello to Amanda, and thanks for your encouragement!
