Dear Everyone,
I must say, I wish I could upload more pictures.
I would like that.
And I'm sure you would too.
I have been trying every night with each blog post, but it doesn't seem to want to work. So I guess that just means we'll have to have an event where we can show you all the pictures when we all get back!
Today, was day 2 of English camp! And it went really well. The weather was beautiful, the kids were receptive not only to learning English, but also to opening up to us and wanting to talk. I am so happy to be here, and it's been such a great opportunity. Although it's only day 2, God is allowing these kids to really open up to us. And by the end of the week arrives, we're all going to be best friends. It's encouraging to be here typing, and every two minutes, my roommate Tereza leans over to ask a question about English, talk about the zoo, or dancing, or telling me all about her favorite things. I almost feel like a big sister, to a third sister. A czech sister. In fact, just now, she started talking about the Easter bunny, and Christmas! OPEN DOOR! So, I took that, and asked her if she knew what Easter was about. She said yes, but because I can, I was able to share the entire gospel with her, and boy, did she seem interested! Her face lit up, and it's made me realize again how privileged I am to be here! I get to be one who plants and waters seeds in these teenagers lives. AMAZING!!
A year ago, I had no idea I'd be here in the Czech Republic, serving for 17 days in a way that would stretch me beyond belief, but also grow me beyond belief.
I would write more, but I should really head to bed. It's 11:52pm here, and tomorrow is our hike day; so we only have half a day of English to plan for. You can pray for safety and the continuation of us being able to be lights for the Lord! He is so good, and we are so thankful for the opportunity to be serving here. Continue to specifically pray for Tereza, and that if the Lord wills, she would continue to be open to His Word. God is so good!
Thanks for your prayers and we can't wait to see you all!
In Him, Caley and crew
Tell Dan to email Anna!!! :) I like your blog updates :)
ReplyDeleteDone, and thanks! I'm glad:)
ReplyDeleteCaley Bug, Our God is a awesome God and He is working in you. It was good to see you. I know that God is stretching you in a might way and we are so thankful you are allowing him to work in you. Whay beautiful country. Love you lots Nana
ReplyDeleteOh Nana, good to hear from you! It was good seeing you too, but I would have much rather talked to you on the phone or something, because seeing all of your faces made me sad. Anyways, thank you for praying and I'll be updating soon with more pictures! I love you!